Guides on how to use different CloudLinux capabilities
You may log into your cpanel and click on the Resource Usage icon under the Logs section. From there, you will be able to see if your website was limited. You will see an indication such as: CPU res...
As your service is based on CloudLinux you have full control over module installations per each of your domains. To enable html tidy module for you domain please follow the...
As your service is based on CloudLinux you have full control over module installations per each of your domains. To enable MySQLi for you domain please follow these steps:...
As your service is based on CloudLinux you have full control over module installations per each of your domains. To enable PDO extension for you domain please follow these...
As your service is based on CloudLinux you have full control over module installations per each of your domains. To enable ZipArchive for you domain please follow these ste...
As your service is based on CloudLinux you have full control over module installations per each of your domains. To enable ioncube_loader for you domain please follow these...
As your service is based on CloudLinux you have full control over module installations per each of your domains. To enable mbstring for you domain please follow these steps...
As your service is based on CloudLinux you have full control over module installations per each of your domains. To enable mcrypt for you domain please follow these steps:...
As your service is based on CloudLinux you have control over php.ini setting per each of your domains. To increase maximum upload limit in php.ini please follow these steps...
As your service is based on CloudLinux you have control over php.ini setting per each of your domains. To increase php memory limit in php.ini please follow these steps:...